Cosmetology Teacher Training

The Cosmetology Teacher Training Course is designed for licensed cosmetologists who wish to become a licensed Cosmetology instructor. Student teachers will teach both the theory and clinical applications to those studying Cosmetology. The need for teachers is high, and without teachers, a person desiring to be a cosmetologist cannot be trained. Graduates from those programs will be able to be employed as a Cosmetology Teacher or a stylist in a salon. The program requires 1000 clock hours or 50 Quarter Credit Hours to complete. Students entering the teacher training program will learn to coordinate classroom and clinic instruction and provide proper training sessions, prepare the student for employment, and prepare the student teacher to take the Teacher’s Examination with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.


Standard Occupational Classification 25-1194
Teach or instruct vocational or occupational subjects at the postsecondary level (but at less than the baccalaureate) to students who have graduated or left high school. Includes correspondence school instructors; industrial, commercial, and government training instructors; and adult education teachers and instructors who prepare persons to operate industrial machinery and equipment and transportation and communications equipment. Teaching may take place in public or private schools whose primary business is education or in a school associated with an organization whose primary business is other than education.

Illustrative examples: Barbering Instructor, Cosmetology professor, Mechanical Maintenance Instructor


